Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ahhh, Married Life!

QB and I were watching Oprah tonight and he said something not so nice.

QB - "Am I going to hell?"
Me - "Well you are not going to heaven!"
QB - "At least we will be together forever...."

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Moment to Remember

The Present and Dimples had a busy day that involved lots of getting dirty. After dinner, I took them both up to take a bath. Dimples has not been the biggest fan of bath time lately so I put her in, washed her up, got her out and dried her off. While I was putting her into her jammies, The Present got into the tub. He LOVES bath time and can, and will, stay in until I evict him by draining the tub.

Tonight I was tired, so I let The Present just play in the tub after he was clean. Dimples was running around in her jammies and I was sitting on the floor, clipping my nails, only half paying attention.

Next thing I know, both Dimples and The Present are CRACKING up. I will never forget it. When your children make each other belly laugh....well there is no feeling that explains it. I just watched them, Dimples would throw her binky in the tub and The Present would toss it out on the floor. Repeat. Laugh lots and lots.

This went on for about 3 minutes, I kept thinking I needed to run down and get the video camera, but I didn't want the moment to end. I guess I am left with the memory, in hopes that it will last in my mind for years to come.

As I sat there, I wondered.

Did Miss Smarty Pants and I have moments like these when we were young?
Did my mom sit and smile at us with tears in her eyes like I did tonight?
Will there be lots of these silly moments in our future?

I hope so.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Let's go fly a kite

Tonight we were invited over to Nana and Grandpa's for ribs done in the smoker. Of course we said YES! It was a windy night, so before we left our house I grabbed the Superman kite I had picked up at Wally World for a buck a few weeks back. After a DELICIOUS dinner, we headed out to the green park next to Nana's house.

What fun it was!

The Present and Grandpa got the kite up first, Nana got to fly it next followed by Aunt Smartie , and last but not least, me and QB. Dimples didn't fly it, but she ran around the park with her arms in the air pointing and laughing.

I can't wait for the next windy day.