Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It has been a busy month - I haven't gotten ready for the holidays like I normally would have. I thought I could share a picture of The Present after he came back from day care today. I guess he is ready for the Holidays!


Monday, October 20, 2008

I am winning you!

Here are some cute things that The Present says these days...

  • I am winning you - meaning I am beating you
  • Ham-ger-ber

Funny, I thought I had several of these to put down and now I can't think of any more. I will add as they come to me, or you can add in the comments if you know of any....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My new favorite picture

This was taken in the backyard of my grandma's house this weekend. Aunt Smarty and I had a photo session with her new camera, and The Present. This is what the results were. Good, eh?

Oh, gotta run, GQ is calling....


Football Frenzy

QB loves football. It doesn't matter if it's college or pro, he loves it. For his birthday this year I got him the NFL package from Direct TV. Did you know that there is a channel that shows all 8 games simultaneously? Just what every football lover needs. Needless to say we have been on football overload since pre-season.

The benefit of NFL package is that you have extra channels for college games as well. That means I get to watch my team on Saturdays too.

This weekend my team was actually televised on ESPN2. Miss Smarty Pants and I watched the game from our hotel room. What a game it was! Two 5-0 teams in the big 12 head to head. It was a nail biter. It was close. But in the end, we won. The Pokes pulled it out at the end, leaving us with a 6-0 record, and a spot in the top 10. Way to go team!

Monday night football the QB's favorite team, the Cleveland Browns, played the defending super bowl champs, NY Giants. The Browns won too, so in my family, the weekend was a sweep. We were both happy campers. Let's hope this weekend brings as much success.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Baby Update

In case you haven't seen us in awhile, here are the new and exciting things the kids are doing these days.

  • Sitting up on her own. Still wobbly, but she can do it.
  • Teething - wow, she will gnaw on anything she can get her hands on. No teeth yet, but they will show themselves soon I am positive.
  • Rocking - you know what I mean, the rocking that is the precursor to crawling.
  • Mamamamama - yes she can say it.
  • Dadadadada - she says that too - but she said Mama first, for the record.
  • She eats two jars of baby food a day and loves bitter biscuts
  • She will follow anything and everything with her eyes/head, she loves to look around and see where we are going or where sounds are coming from.

The Present

  • He is going through a growth spurt. He is true to size wearing a 3T.
  • PUZZLES - he loves to do them, and he is so good at them!
  • He is all boy, has two speeds, stop and go, and boy, can he go!
  • He is so inquisitive, still asking "What KIND is it?"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Last week, my 90 year old grandmother passed away in her home up North. It was unexpected. Last time I saw her, she was talking about her 91st birthday bash she was going to throw for herself. We had been up there twice this year to see her, once for her 90th birthday and once so she could meet Dimples.
We miss her, we love her, and there is a sadness that comes from loosing someone in your life that was truly wonderful. My hope is that some of her loveliness is passed along to myself and my children.
Rest in peace sweet grandma.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Red means stop...

The Present recently learned (thanks to his dad QB) that red, at a stop light means stop and green means go. After that we taught him that yellow means SLOOOOW and orange means caution. He is really good at knowing what color means what.

"What does yellow mean?" I say.

"SLOOOOOW" he says.

"What does green mean?" I will ask.

"Go!" answers The Present.

Today, when we were on our way to the morning activites, The Present said,

"Green means go, red means stop and blue means nothing!"

Video Clips

This weekend The Present, Aunt Smartie and I went to the big orange box to make a fire truck. Here are some pictures and video. He was pretty amazing with the hammer. Every single nail he put in was straight as an arrow. The local fire department was there and he got to check out the fire truck too. We had a fun morning!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


My grandparents loved to travel. Whenever they were on a trip, they would send the grand kids postcards. I always loved getting a postcard from my Mimi. Even as I got older, she would send those postcards when they traveled.

A few weeks ago, Nana and Grandpa (The Present and Dimples grandparents) went on an Alaskan cruise. Guess who got a postcard? The Present! He couldn't have been more pleased. We read them, and then we read them some more. If we were upstairs, the postcards came with us. If we were in the kitchen, the postcards were in the kitchen too. They went with him to his daycare. After picking up the kids one day from daycare, Aunt Smarty almost had to turn around and get the postcards, because she forgot them, and The Present was M-A-D!

I love it.
I can't wait for Nana and Grandpa to go on another vacation so we can check the mail.
Oh, and The Present decided he was like the polar bear on the postcard, because the polar bear looked like he was playing, and The Present likes to play.