Friday, August 29, 2008

Life is a Puzzle

It's late, it's the weekend. The Present ate a great dinner, but decided later he wanted a snack. I had fresh bagles in the house, so I asked him if he wanted one.

He did.

Not toasted, no peanut butter, just plain.

I cut it in half, and cut the halves into pieces. Then I put it into one of his bowls, and let him take it to the table to eat.

Can you guess what happened next?

Even though I tell him not to play with his food, he did it anyway...

When I looked over to the table, the bagle was put back together. Just like a puzzle. The Present was proud of himself, very proud.

Then he took a bite.

Life tastes good.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Video Clips

Here are a few video's of the kiddo's. Hope you enjoy as much as we do!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Trip to the ER

Last night, QB was at the ballpark for work. The Present, Dimples and I were hanging out getting ready to enjoy a night of mommy and kiddo time. I got The Present all settled in our bed with a movie, and I went downstairs to get some water, get Dimples and head back up.

While I was downstairs I heard the loudest crash with breaking glass. As I was running up the stairs, I was shouting at The Present not to move, just to be still. What I saw when I got to him was lots of broken glass and blood. But where was the blood coming from? After a frantic search, I finally saw a big gash on the back of his leg. At that point the mother instinct kicked in.

For those of you who know me, you know I am bad with blood. I mean really bad. Just the thought of blood can make me light headed. So when I say the mother instinct kicked in, I mean it. Here I was, trying to look at a bloody gash on the back of my sons knee, and I didn't even feel woozy. The adrenaline had kicked in.

I called QB at the game and said "The Present cut his leg pretty bad, I think you are going to need to meet me at the ER." Then I called the neighbor, our good friends, and asked them to come help me survey the damage. The neighbors came over, agreed that an ER trip was in order, and offered to watch Dimples for me while I took The Present to the hospital.

I loaded up The Present, called QB to let him know we were on our way, and off we went. The QB made it to the hospital in record time, just as we were getting checked in actually. When the doctor got a look at the wound, she said stitches were in order. My first thought was "UGH! Stitches! Should I be in the room when they stitch him up or will I pass out?" Luckily that took care of itself when they gave The Present that great big shot they give you before they stick that other needle in you. He started crying, and I knew he needed his mama. I wasn't going anywhere.

Five stitches, and one purple popsicle later, we were ready to head back home.

Thank goodness for cell phones.
Thank goodness for great neighbors.
Thank goodness for super nice nurses from Boston.
Thank goodness my baby is okay.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

And Gowie Smiles

Last night, as I was blogging, a sleepy Present came downstairs. He and Dimples have had runny noses all week - part of that getting back into daycare thing. Anyway, I asked him why he was out of bed and he said "MOOOOOOOM, I need some MENTHOLATUM!"

At that moment in time, I knew his GG and his great, great grandma, Gowie, were both smiling down from heaven.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Growing Girl

Thought I would fill you in on the milestones of Dimples. It is amazing how much she changes and how quickly it happens.

About 2 weeks ago she learned to roll over.

She laughs now too.

Tonight she found her feet, and she got a taste of them.

How sweet it is.

Monday, August 11, 2008

"What KIND is it?"

According to Piaget (thanks Mom and Dad, who funded my degree in education so I could have this bit of knowledge) The Present is in the Preoperational Phase. What does this mean exactly? It means he is trying to classify everything, and in his case I mean EVERYTHING.

"What kind is it?" is a question we hear daily. "What KIND of car is it?" "What KIND of juice is it, mama?" "What KIND of shower?" "What KIND of rain?" "What KIND of Olympics?" and so on and so on.

Sometimes I am really good about answering his "What kind is it?" question. "That's a Honda babe." or "Why, that's apple juice." but sometimes I don't know the answer. "I think it is a cumulus nimbus cloud, but we may have to ask Grandpa next time he is around." I never thought a toddler could make me want to look so much stuff up on the internet.

At least I know he has been listening to me and soaking it all in. How do I know? Because tonight, when we sat down for dinner, he said, "Is this 2% milk mama? I like 2% milk!"

Friday, August 8, 2008


I just had to post on 08-08-08. Couldn't help myself.

We are watching the start of the Summer Olympics tonight as a family. It's about time we were all together.

Oh, and I started work again today. Not sure how I feel about that, but when I know, I will post.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Phone Fun

Last night the Present and I were playing and he found his old toy phone. He proceeded to hand the phone to me and he told me to call his Aunt. I pretended to call her, and of course, she wanted to talk to him so I handed the phone back to him. He was so cute pretending to talking to her, I asked him if he wanted to use the real phone to call her.

He said yes.

This is what I heard on my end of the conversation.

"Hiiii Aunt Smarty! What are you doing?"

"JJ and I are going swimming tomorrow, do you wanna come?"

"That's a good idea."

"I want to watch Snoopy wif you."

"Oh, okay when you come over you can read me a book, oh and we can play."

"Wuv you Aunt Smarty."

The Present loves his Aunt Smarty.

Monday, August 4, 2008


This weekend our family decided to take a much needed "staycation." It's easy to do in our neck of the woods, lots of resorts to choose from with lots of amenities. What I realized is that at this point in our lives, vacation means something different to each one of us.

For example, QB would have loved to spend time at the Black Jack tables, and I would have too, but I didn't want to be left alone with the kids while he went off and won money. I wanted to sit by the pool, order frozen drinks from the cabana boys, and work on my tan, but Dimples, the baby, didn't like the heat. The Present wanted to hit the water slide, which required help from one of his parental units.

So what did we do? Oh you know, a little of this and a little of that. We cruised around the resort, took a boat ride to nowhere, ate some good food, ran up and down the long halls of the hotel rooms, spent some time at the pool (in the shade), watched TV, played with toy cars, and relaxed. Good time spent together as a family, and the best staycation any of us could have asked for!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Last Lecture

My husband, QB, and I like inspirational & motivational books, video's, etc. Several months ago we watched an Oprah show with Dr. Randy Pausch who became famous for his "Last Lecture" at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Pausch died last week, at the young age of 47. If you haven't heard of him, you can watch it here or google him, it's worth the 10 minutes it takes to watch.