Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thankgiving - Tag, I'm it!

Miss Smartie Pants tagged me for 5 things I am thankful for. Very appropriate during this time of Thanksgiving and the beginning of the Christmas season. So here goes, and I tend to be a thankful spirit, so forgive me if it runs long.

  • I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband, (who makes me smile and laugh every day), and three beautiful children that are healthy, happy (most of the time) and have the ability to make me realize a rainbow is a beautiful sight, that should be enjoyed immensely.
  • Next up, my parents and sister. I am thankful that I have great relationships with them, and that they are some of my best friends in the whole world. I am thankful for the unconditional love that they bestow upon me, my husband and on my children.
  • I am also thankful for family that reads this blog, that I e-mail every now and again or talk to on the phone every once in awhile. A once removed cousin that stops by when my children are born, another who comes to visit when we are up north, a cousin that calls to tell me she is having a baby or another that is willing to pick me up at the airport when I am popping into town and need help. Aunts that are my second mother and I can call when I need Mom help raising boys, and Uncles that share their love of wood working with my children.
  • Family that came before me. I am blessed to have known all of my grandparents. I remeber them, I have great memories of them, and I miss them. I am thankful for all of the love they shared with me and all of the traditions that I get from them that carry on to my family. Home baked bread waiting for me when I got home, vitamin e carefully rubbed on my owies, summers of timed water races, Camp Grandma, and checking out books at the library. A love of cooking, and knowing, that whatever I make, it perfect, just perfect.
  • Last but not least, I am a simple girl, who is thankful for the simple things in life. A good rain in the desert, the smell of fresh basil that I am able to grow in my back yard, the belly laugh of my children, the small treasures The Present brings me randomly, an unexpected card in the mail, and the list goes on.

Thanks Miss Smarty Pants for making me stop, to think of the the things I am thankful for. It has been fun to post.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Ever since Miss Smarty Pants has moved to town, we have been helping each other out with chores that we are not looking forward to doing. She calls it "blessing" each other.

I like that term.

Tonight, she blessed me with 15 minutes of cleaning. We both worked together, so our 15 minutes of cleaning produced 30 minutes of results. Tonight, as I write this, I am feeling more at peace about the home I live in because it is much cleaner, thanks to Miss Smarty Pants.

I guess it really is a blessing.

Thank you Miss Smarty Pants - your earned your name once again.

Friday, November 14, 2008

La La La

For the past week I have noticed something different about how The Present has been speaking. I couldn't quite put my finger on it until tonight. He is finally pronouncing his "L's" at the start of a word. Now "wicking" is "licking" and "wittle" is "little". He's not quite fluent with it yet, so it is a bit deliberate and thought out.

I am amazed every day at how the human brain develops.

My little boy is growing up.

I wuv him so much!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

My eye's have been opened!

This morning, as I was getting ready for work, The Present decided he wanted to sit with me on the counter and get ready too.

(For those of you who have not seen me get ready in the morning, I should tell you that as I get ready, I like to sit on the counter with my feet in the sink. I have done this since high school, and last year, when I was home at my parents house, my mom walked by the bathroom as I was in this exact position, and she came in and commented that she was having flashbacks to when I was a teenager getting ready for school. I have sat this way for as long as I have "gotten ready" in the morning.)

ANYWAY - I was sitting on the counter, with my feet in the sink, getting ready and The Present was there too. As I was putting on my mascara, The Present looked at me intensely and after a few minutes said, "Look mommy, we have the same eyes!" When I asked him what he meant, he said "Your eyes are black like mine. Daddy has green eyes and we have black ones."

He's right.

What ever will he come up with next?

Sunday, November 9, 2008


One of our pugs, I was playing with the camera and thought I would get some pics of her.

And this one just cracks me up. Happy Halloween!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kids know more than we think...

At night, The Present says prayers with QB and me. QB or I usually say the prayer and after the "God Bless..." we let The Present take over. He typically prays for Aunt Smartie, Mom and Dad, Dimples, The Firecracker, Nana and Grandpa, the pets etc.

A few nights ago here is how it went.

Me - "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, Angles watch me over the night and guide me to the morning light. God Bless...."

The Present - "God Bless G.G. - and for tonight, that's it!"

The following night it was a repeat. "God Bless G.G., that's all. AMEN!"

AMEN is right. We love you G.G.!