Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Now that I am off for a few days I have a bit more time in my life so I thought I would post some updates on the kids.

  • She is proudly displaying two new teeth. She likes to show them off quite regularly.

  • Crawles EVERYWHERE, and she is getting fast.

  • Today marked the first day she crawled up the stairs. Look out, our world just changed in an instant.

  • She is starting to sign. So far signs include milk, mom, dad, and all finished.
  • Here she is crawling up the stairs. Isn't she ADORABLE???

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Present and Grandpa's morning conversation

The Present - "Grandpa, can I have some toast?"

Grandpa - "Sure, I'll make you some."

The Present - "Beep it Grandpa, beep it" (toddler speak for put it in the microwave)

Grandpa - "You can't put toast in the microwave."

The Present - "But why?"

Grandpa - "Because a microwave cooks things, and a toaster toast's it. You want your bread toasted, not cooked."

The Present (nodding his head) "OOOOHHHHHH!"